After a super quick almost unreal delivery Mike and I are happy to announce that Connor Paul Miklos Smith has finally , after waiting 5 days past his due date, decided that Halloween would be a fun day to be born.
It all started at 6:30 yesterday am when I awoke excitedly with contractions about 7 minutes apart. Within an hour the contractions had started coming about 3 minutes apart and we decided that we had better leave now or else. We packed up the car, our doula arrived and hopped in with us, and away we went. After a quick backtrack for Mikes wallet we finally made it to the hospital and into a room by 8:20.
As I said before the entire labor was unreal. I had no drugs ( I had planned it that way but I wouldn't have had a choice even if I had wanted them he came that quick!). I spent some time in the tub in the room ( I highly recommend) which helped me relax and the sound of the water jets was a great diversion from the pain. Mike was an amazing partner. He danced with me when the pain was unbearable and was such a huge help. I couldn't have done it without him.
Our awesome doula Breezy was a HUGE help as well. She filled in the few gaps when Mike was filling out paperwork or parking the car and was such an overall positive force that I am so happy to be able to say that she was there to help us. Her added support and kind words helped me get through the worst of it all.
Of course the worst of it all was pretty bad. Connor was born at 9:53 am. Which means that I went from 3-4 cm upon arrival around 8:20 to delivery in an hour and a half. He was sunny side up with the cord around his neck and at one point his shoulder got stuck. It was an intense experience but at 9:53 am on Halloween 2009 Connor Paul Miklos Smith was born weighing in at a walloping 9 lbs 1 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches long. His eyes are a beautiful dark blue (for now) and he has a dark head of hair. We are all madly in love and can't wait to start our new life as a family of 4!
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